Vicolo Ristorante e Cafeteria | Andiamo GROUP
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Vicolo Ristorante e Cafeteria


MO - SU: 09.00 - 21.00


VICOLO ristorante e cafeteria
OC  Atrium Optima
Moldavská 32, 040 11 Košice
Tel.: +421 917 723 478

Vicolo, s.r.o.
Komenského 11/A
040 01 Košice 
IČO: 44 230 524
IČ DPH: SK2022657824
zapísaná v OR Okresného súdu Košice I, odd.: Sro, vložka č.: 22280/V

FB: Vicolo Ristorante Košice
Instagram:  Andiamo Group
Youtube: Andiamo GroupAndiamo Cooking
LinkedIn   Andiamo Group

In the Italian language, Vicolo means a street. Vicolo is also a stylish restaurant in the Atrium Optima Shopping Centre. Our restaurant offers a selection of meals from international cuisine, two kinds of draft beer, fantastic coffee, a playing area for the little ones, and a pleasant stay in the beautiful interior of the restaurant. Taste the world at a place where you would not expect it. Remember, there is only one street in Optima - Vicolo.