Šariš Pub Eperia | Andiamo GROUP
  • Slovenčina
  • English

Šariš Pub Eperia


SU – TH: 11:00 – 23:00

FR – SA:  11:00 – 01:00 


Šariš Pub
OC Eperia Prešov
Armádneho generála Svobodu 25
2nd Floor
Tel.: +421 905 044 000
Andiamo Trattoria, s.r.o.
Komenského 11/A
040 01 Košice 
IČO: 50 352 920
IČ DPH: SK2120286333
zapísaná v OR Okresného súdu Košice I, odd.: Sro, vložka č.: 39248/V
Instagram:  Andiamo Group
LinkedIn   Andiamo Group
Šariš Pub is a unique concept which defines the first Šariš operation in Slovakia. We welcome our customers in a beautiful space furnished in the Šariš brand style. We strive to ensure the best conditions for achieving the perfect beer experience with non-pasteurized Šariš beer that is drafted by using the latest tank technology.